In 1994, a group of Carnegie Mellon University faculty members created an interdisciplinary, collaborative center to focus on the complexities of human relationships with technology. The Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) was founded to integrate previously siloed aspects of computer science. 25 years later, the HCII is a predominant publishing force in the field, and is considered one of the leading centers of human-computer interaction research in the world.
BOOM was proud to have been chosen as the creative partner with HCII in the creation of a filmed 25 year retrospective of the formation of the program, and thoughts about the future potential of human-computer interaction.
BOOM’s task was to spend time with HCII members past and present to assemble their memories and thoughts into a cohesive, compelling story – focusing on the “human” part of the equation more than the “Computer.”
The long-form debuted as the centerpiece of HCII’s gala 25th Anniversary celebration at The Warhol. According to HCII Director Jodi Folizzi, “Boom really captured the history and essence of the HCII, from the story of how it was founded to the great spirit of the staff, students, and faculty that are here today. They helped to tell our important story, and convey how fundamentally important people are here.”